Sunday, August 29, 2010

Bonjour, Montréal!

I've been in Montreal for just over a week now. First week was fun. I did fun things like open bank accounts and befriend Germans. I discovered the wonder that is poutine. For anyone who wonders what chips, cheese curds and thick helpings of gravy tastes like, the answer is yummy goodness that leaves you with a 24hr aftertaste of the sense of an impending heart attack. Good stuff.

My dad flew home yesterday and now THE FEAR is starting to kick in. I'm in this hotel room for a week and then that's it. I need to be somewhere else by then, but the apartment hunting is not going fantastically. I am genuinely terrified of being homeless. I mean, I know I won't end up homeless but I panic about these sorts of these things. Because I'm like that. A BIG GIRL.

I don't really have a lot to say at present. Nothing's really started yet, so I'm feeling slightly confused and displaced. Not bad or unhappy at all, but just a little bit strange. Hopefully the adventure will start soon.

1 comment:

  1. I found you by virtue of Jenny On The Brink - I really look forward to reading more of this blog if only for the fact I'd love a year abroad in Canada but I'm far too useless and scared and broke.

    One avid reader plonked infront of laptop waiting next update :-D
